Sticky Post


Hello there!

Welcome to this new blog I done went and made to help me log all the mishaps and joys of developing a game. The game in question? Look at the top!

This game has been in development very on and off (mostly off) for the best part of a year or two, working on it every now and then between studies. I've only now decided it's time to knuckle down and get to it! I previous worked in RPG Maker VX Ace, but ever since the newer edition released, MV, I've moved to that.

I sought out creating a blog as an easy means of looking back in retrospect later down the line when the game is far more fleshed out (ew), I figured logging my journey through the development stages would be a brilliant idea.

I decided to make a blog now, as soon as possible really. I would have liked to have made one sooner but I'm a bit dim and didn't think of the idea until now.

But yes, I will feature development of the game as I progress through it. It will be a fun adventure, I'm sure of it.

Stay tuned!

~ Dan

Sunday 29 May 2016

Development State of Affairs #1

Hi all!

This is the first of many posts that will help detail the state of the development for Soul Fiction.

As of right now, I am almost ready to round off the first demo, which will be available in the near future. I still have much play-testing to get done before I'm happy with the polish on the first area, but once I've done that, I'll be satisfied enough to release a working demo.

Watch this space for a link to this demo within the near future (can't confirm any dates yet, I haven't set up much of a schedule!).

Stay cool!

~ Dan

No hat? No problem!

Was trying to fix something that went hay-wire, and had Xno here just dancing to the song I had playing at the time!

Stay groovy, Xno!

~ Dan

Inverse Movement Perfected!

All thanks to a friend who helped explain the workings behind this to me!

I couldn't be happier!

~ Dan

An Unlikely Trio

As this blog is very new, I'd figure I would make some character introductions from the game!

From left to right:

The main hero and player: Ei
(You can pronounce this as "A" or "I", up to you!)

The kind-hearted snow mage: Xno
(Pronounced "Snow")

The clever and quirky rogue: Sririe
(Spoken as "Suh-rye-ree")

This is an old picture, but the designs are still being used!

~ Dan