Sticky Post


Hello there!

Welcome to this new blog I done went and made to help me log all the mishaps and joys of developing a game. The game in question? Look at the top!

This game has been in development very on and off (mostly off) for the best part of a year or two, working on it every now and then between studies. I've only now decided it's time to knuckle down and get to it! I previous worked in RPG Maker VX Ace, but ever since the newer edition released, MV, I've moved to that.

I sought out creating a blog as an easy means of looking back in retrospect later down the line when the game is far more fleshed out (ew), I figured logging my journey through the development stages would be a brilliant idea.

I decided to make a blog now, as soon as possible really. I would have liked to have made one sooner but I'm a bit dim and didn't think of the idea until now.

But yes, I will feature development of the game as I progress through it. It will be a fun adventure, I'm sure of it.

Stay tuned!

~ Dan

Friday 8 July 2016

Development State of Affairs #2

Hello again!

Since the last post, which if I remember correctly, was about a month ago, various parts in terms of progress have been achieved.

As of this moment, I have began implementing some MV stock background audio and sound effect tracks for certain events, to help solidify the impact of certain scenes. Furthermore, I have acted upon recently acquired feedback from an internal tester to help benefit the flow of the first section of the game. These have all been excellent benefits to the game as a whole.

When it comes to the progress on a playable demo, after testing the demo upon deployment (in its current state), I got some errors of missing files (plugin specifics) and some general bugs that I thought were crushed still remain, and need to be fixed. 

I am hoping that in the near future I can progress to working on the next part of the game as opposed to returning to already made content and ironing that out to perfection, which isn't a bad thing in many respects - perfected content makes for a perfect game, no?

In any case, I am happy with the current development flow of the game, apart from my general lack of motivation...

Onward and upward from here on out!

~ Dan

Sunday 29 May 2016

Development State of Affairs #1

Hi all!

This is the first of many posts that will help detail the state of the development for Soul Fiction.

As of right now, I am almost ready to round off the first demo, which will be available in the near future. I still have much play-testing to get done before I'm happy with the polish on the first area, but once I've done that, I'll be satisfied enough to release a working demo.

Watch this space for a link to this demo within the near future (can't confirm any dates yet, I haven't set up much of a schedule!).

Stay cool!

~ Dan

No hat? No problem!

Was trying to fix something that went hay-wire, and had Xno here just dancing to the song I had playing at the time!

Stay groovy, Xno!

~ Dan

Inverse Movement Perfected!

All thanks to a friend who helped explain the workings behind this to me!

I couldn't be happier!

~ Dan

An Unlikely Trio

As this blog is very new, I'd figure I would make some character introductions from the game!

From left to right:

The main hero and player: Ei
(You can pronounce this as "A" or "I", up to you!)

The kind-hearted snow mage: Xno
(Pronounced "Snow")

The clever and quirky rogue: Sririe
(Spoken as "Suh-rye-ree")

This is an old picture, but the designs are still being used!

~ Dan